How To: Bound Side Plank

If you have ever worked out or even watched someone work out, you know what a plank is; it’s like a high push-up. Well, side plank is its one-armed friend who just a bit extra.

Side Plank in Sanskrit is Vasisthasana (vah-sish-TAHS-anna)


For this how-to, I will discuss briefly how to get into a side plank and then how you can be extra and take a bind. Before we start, ensure you have a strap nearby and are warmed up.

Recommended to warm up your hamstrings specifically prior to attempting:

  • 3 Sun As

  • Crescent lunge on each side

  • Pyramid

  • Seated forward fold

Now, let’s get down to business

Start in Downward Facing Dog, shift forward into high plank keep your right hand grounded, rock your heels to the right so the blade edge of your right foot is touching your mat, take your left hand to the sky. Flex your feet, draw your belly in and up, and spark out through your fingers.

Now mindfully take your peace fingers on your left hand towards your left big toe. Make the bind and extend your heel toward the ceiling. Keep your gaze toward your lifted toe or your grounded hand.

If the full bind isn’t available yet, grab your strap and wrap it around your top foot.

True story, I didn’t have a yoga strap at the time, so I used the strap from my briefcase.

This can even be done from a modified side plank by dropping your bottom knee under your hip.


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