How to: Crescent Lunge Twist



Crescent lunge is a popular standing pose seen in several types of hatha yoga practices, especially vinyasa-style classes. This pose is versatile as there are multiple variations of the lunge. From high crescent to low crescent, you can add twists or binds, or even make it into an arm balance. This pose can provide benefits no matter how it fits into your practice. Today we are going to speak specifically about adding a twist.

Revolved crescent lunge can be taking from a high or low lunge with a deep or light twist option. When I first started my practice, I hate high crescent lunge. I felt so wobbly all of the time. Now, the twisted crescent is one of my faves! I feel it in my belly, hips, and legs.

Adding twists into a yoga practice adds a detoxifying element to the poses. After twisting, your torso and digestive organs are flushed with oxygen-rich blood, which helps remove toxins while improving digestion. In fact, most of the original yoga poses were simply seated twists for this purpose specifically. But we can get into that another day. On to the how…


You can take this pose from Downward Facing Dog or from standing. From downdog, plant your right foot in between your hands and rise. From Standing, Step back deeply with your left foot.

Stack your back heel over the ball of your back foot. Sink your hips towards the ground, stack your front knee over your ankle. Lift the front of your pelvis and hug both sides of your body into your centerline. Puff your back knee up towards the sky to add muscle action and stabilize.

To add twist option 1, bring your hands to heart center. Lean forward on an inhale as you draw your belly in and up to create space. Hook your left elbow on your right now. Take your gaze over your right shoulder. Press your shoulder blades into your mid back. With each inhale extend and with each exhale twist deeper.

For twist option 2, starting in crescent plant your left hand on the inside of your right foot (either on the ground or on a block) and extend your right fingers into the sky. Take your gaze to your lifted hand.

Either of these twist options can be done from a low crescent lunge position. For low crescent, simply lower your back knee to the ground and all the other cues mentioned above stand. Sink your hips towards the ground, stack your front knee over your ankle. Left the front of your pelvis and hug into your centerline.


  • Stretches and tones legs

  • Stretches hips and butt

  • Opens chest, shoulders, and arms

  • Improves balance

  • Increases energy and confidence


Crescent Lunge Modification


How to: Tadasana / Uttanasana / Ardha Uttanassana