One small action can create a chain reaction
I started this blog in 2017. Really committed to it for part of 2018 and most of 2019 but took a step back to reevaluate my place in the yoga world, and also, life got busy. In complete honesty, navigating the online yoga world is challenging. There is so much content out there, why would anyone care what I have to say? I felt the more I did, the more followers I would lose. I have been teaching a lot locally, and my day job has been picking up, and for a while, that was enough for me.
I get a monthly email from Google about my website statistics, such as how many people went to my site, how they got there, and what articles led them there. This was extremely encouraging because there were dozens of people ORGANICALLY finding my content! Yay! But still, real life remains in control.
I received an email through my website from a stranger the other day. This woman organically found an article from my site, and it helped her enough for her to reach out and thank me. Just like me, she also works in the digital advertising space, and she gave me some encouraging advice and highlighted my online potential. Sure, she may be trying to sell me something, but her honesty, openness, and encouragement energized me. The simple act of her messaging me reinspired me to commit to growth.
The reason I became a yoga teacher was to help others change their lives. To help them open their eyes to the possibilities already within them and to inspire them to make the changes to lead a happier life. And if I can do that for just one person, I call it a job well done. If I can do it for dozens or hundreds or thousands? Well, then, my life is made.
The small action of receiving that email has started a chain reaction of inspiration. The exact boost of confidence I didn’t even know I needed. I can already feel the good vibes 2020 has in store.
What chain reaction can you start today? Pay the stranger a compliment. Encourage your friend to take that chance. Complete a random act of kindness. Be the reason for someone’s smile.