How To: Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana [Setu= bridge; Bandha = lock; Sarvangasana = all limb pose], most commonly known as Bridge Pose, is an energizing and rejuvenating back bend as well as a mild inversion. Because it is considered an inversion, it holds all the same benefits of inversions, including relief from stress, fatigue, anxiety, headaches, insomnia and depression. The pose has a laundry list of other benefits as well.
THE BENIES (Benefits):
Opens chest, shoulders and heart
Calms the mind
Stretches spine, back of neck, thighs and hip flexors
Strengthens upper back
Extends the thoracic spine
Stimulates abdominal organs and thyroid glands, which improves digestion to helps regulate metabolism.
Rejuvenates tired legs
Relieves menstrual discomfort when done with a support
Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma and sinusitis
Lie on your back and draw your feet towards your seat. Place your feet hip-distance apart with them pointing at 12 o’clock (parallel to each other)
Press into your feet and lift your hip bones towards the sky. Lift the front of your pelvis as your tailbone descends. Draw your shoulder blades into each other. Clasp your hands and reach your knuckles toward your heels.
[a slightly less intense version, you can keep your hands apart and press your forearms into the mat.]Stay grounded through the four corners of your feet, draw into your centerline.
[squeezing a block between your knees/thighs will help with drawing into center]
If supporting the lift in your pelvis is challenging, place a block underneath your sacrum.