How To: Modify Chaturanga

Modifications are a great way to build strength without compromising form and also prevent injury. Chaturanga Dandasana is a pose the requires both strength and form and could prove challenging for new and seasoned yogis alike. If you find yourself in class compromising your low back or your shoulders, try one of these modifications.  

Drop your knees.

This is my favorite modification. It helped me build arm and core strength while learning the correct form of the pose.

Drop your knees down to the mat, lift the front of your pelvis and engage your core. Hug your elbows into your ribs and draw your shoulders down your back as you lower down. Keep your neck in a neutral position and your body long, similar to plank pose. You’ll know you’re doing it right if you feel it in your triceps and core.

Use a block.

This modification is great when working on not dropping your chest or going past the 90-degree angle.

Place a block on its medium setting, long ways in line with your sternum. Come to a high plank, rock forward on your toes and lower down while hugging your arms into your side. Stop when you reach the block. From there you can either push back up and transition into Updog. The block can also be used in conjunction with the other modification


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