Commit to Growth–Law of Transformation 4
Law 4 goes perfectly with Law 3 – Step outside your comfort zone. Step outside of it and stay there. That spot is growth, and it is not comfortable. It may even be painful, and you are going to want to run away, but this is where the growth happens. Did you know that goldfish only grow as big as the container they are kept in? Humans are the same way. By staying inside your comfortable fish bowl, you are limiting your own growth.
I get it. It’s a fricken scary place out there and people fail all the time so why try. This desire to flee from failure or harm is your fight-or-flight response. We are programmed that way. But what this law is asking of you, through practicing yoga and meditation, is to fight. Take the shots and stand your ground. Commit to change, commit to growth. When your legs are burning in chair pose and you want nothing more than to get out, stay. When an uncomfortable situation arises off the mat, stay.
Each one of the 12 Laws of Transformation builds upon the other. Starting with Seeking the Truth. Be willing to get back to the roots of yourself and accept yourself for what you are and what you are not; self-acceptance. Followed by Be Willing to Come Apart. Self-acceptance isn’t easy and sometimes in order to find it you need to break down before you can break through. Now that your beginning to get back to Self, you can start to notice patterns or stories of your past, this is where you start playing with stepping outside your comfort zone to break those patterns. And now it’s time to buckle down and commit to yourself.