How To: Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana 2

Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana 2 – Named for a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, the god of creation.

Warrior 2 builds strength and stamina. It is a grounding pose, so be sure to ground down through the four corners of both your feet and hug into your centerline. This pose is excellent on its own but can be done in conjunction with other opening and grounding poses such as reverse warrior, extended side angle, or triangle. 


  • Start at the top of your mat in Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  • Step one foot towards the back of your mat and make the pinky toe side of that foot parallel with the back edge of your mat.

  • Stack your front knee over your ankle, so your knee makes a 90-degree angle. If it is nowhere near 90 degrees, try creating more distance between your front and back feet.

  • Your front foot should be pointing to 12 o’clock

  • Separate your arms into T, parallel to the floor, and actively reach them out to the sides, palms face down

  • Press your front knee towards the pinky toe side on your front foot, this is where the inner hip/groin stretch comes from. (It also protects your knee from caving in)

  • Keep your pelvis neutral

  • Pull the pit of your belly in and up

  • Press your shoulder blades into your mid-back


  • Stimulates abdominal organs

  • Relieves backaches

  • Stretches the groin area, chest, and shoulders

  • Increases Stamina

  • Strengthens and stretches legs and ankles

I often instruct my students to embody this pose. To stand like a fricken warrior. Stand firm and tall like you're about to kick some butt. With that instruction, I see students shift their way of being into something fierce.


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